Git Cheatsheet

Comprehensive Git Cheatsheet for Developers
Table of Contents
- Git Configuration
- Creating and Cloning Repositories
- Basic Snapshotting
- Branching and Merging
- Remote Repositories
- Inspection and Comparison
- Undoing Changes
- Stashing
- Rebasing
- Advanced Operations
- Git Aliases
- Useful Git Commands
Git Configuration
# Set user information
git config --global "Pranshu"
git config --global ""
# Set default editor
git config --global core.editor "vim"
# Set default branch name
git config --global init.defaultBranch main
# List all configurations
git config --list
# Edit global config file
git config --global --edit
# Disable git pull rebase
git config --global pull.rebase false
Creating and Cloning Repositories
# Initialize a new repository
git init
# Clone a repository
git clone <repository-url>
git clone <repository-url> <directory>
git clone -b <branch-name> <repository-url>
git clone --depth=1 <repository-url>
git clone --mirror <repository-url>
git clone --recursive <repository-url>
# Clone without checking out
git clone --no-checkout <repository-url>
# Clone with specific SSH key
GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -i /path/to/private/key' git clone <repository-url>
Basic Snapshotting
# Check status
git status # IMPORTANT
# Add files to staging area
git add <file> # IMPORTANT
git add . # IMPORTANT
# Commit changes
git commit -m "Commit message" # IMPORTANT
git commit -am "Add and commit message"
# Amend the last commit
git commit --amend
Branching and Merging
# List branches
git branch # IMPORTANT
git branch -v
# Create a new branch
git branch <branch-name> # IMPORTANT
# Switch to a branch
git checkout <branch-name> # IMPORTANT
git switch <branch-name>
# Create and switch to a new branch
git checkout -b <new-branch-name>
git switch -c <new-branch-name>
# Merge a branch into the current branch
git merge <branch-name> # IMPORTANT
# Delete a branch
git branch -d <branch-name>
git branch -D <branch-name> # Force delete
Remote Repositories
# List remote repositories
git remote -v
# Add a remote repository
git remote add <name> <url>
# Remove a remote repository
git remote remove <name>
# Rename a remote repository
git remote rename <old-name> <new-name>
# Change remote URL
git remote set-url <name> <new-url>
# Fetch from remote
git fetch <remote>
git fetch --all
git fetch --prune
# Pull from remote
git pull <remote> <branch> # IMPORTANT
git pull --rebase <remote> <branch>
git pull --no-rebase <remote> <branch>
# Push to remote
git push <remote> <branch> # IMPORTANT
git push --all <remote>
git push --tags
git push --force # Use with caution
git push --force-with-lease
# Set up branch tracking
git branch --set-upstream-to=<remote>/<branch>
Inspection and Comparison
# View commit history
git log
git log --oneline
git log --graph --decorate --all
# Show changes
git diff
git diff <file>
git diff <commit1> <commit2>
# Show commit details
git show <commit>
Undoing Changes
# Discard changes in working directory
git restore <file>
# Unstage a file
git restore --staged <file>
# Reset HEAD to a specific commit
git reset <commit>
git reset --soft <commit>
git reset --hard <commit>
# Revert a commit
git revert <commit>
# Stash changes
git stash
git stash save "message"
# List stashes
git stash list
# Apply a stash
git stash apply
git stash apply stash@{n}
# Pop a stash
git stash pop
git stash pop stash@{n}
# Drop a stash
git stash drop stash@{n}
# Clear all stashes
git stash clear
# Rebase current branch
git rebase <branch>
# Interactive rebase
git rebase -i <commit>
# Continue, abort, or skip rebase
git rebase --continue
git rebase --abort
git rebase --skip
# Rebase with autostash
git rebase --autostash <branch>
# Rebase with autosquash
git rebase -i --autosquash <branch>
# Rebase onto a specific commit
git rebase --onto <newbase> <oldbase> <branch>
# Rebase git pul rebase
git pull --rebase=false
Advanced Operations
# Cherry-pick a commit
git cherry-pick <commit>
# Create a lightweight tag
git tag <tag-name>
# Create an annotated tag
git tag -a <tag-name> -m "Tag message"
# Create a signed tag
git tag -s <tag-name> -m "Tag message"
# Archive a Git repository
git archive --format=zip HEAD >
# Find common ancestor of two branches
git merge-base <branch1> <branch2>
# Bisect to find a bug
git bisect start
git bisect bad
git bisect good <commit>
Git Aliases
I am using all custom-alias at one place: click
Add your custom alias to your .gitconfig
co = checkout
ci = commit
st = status
br = branch
# etc
Useful Git Commands
# Show file content at a specific commit
git show <commit>:<file>
# Search for a string in all commits
git log -S "<string>"
# Show commits by author
git log --author="<name>"
# Show a visual branch history
git log --graph --oneline --all
# Clean untracked files
git clean -n # Dry run
git clean -f # Force clean
# Prune remote-tracking branches
git fetch --prune
# Show who modified each line of a file
git blame <file>
# Count commits by author
git shortlog -s -n
# Find lost commits (after reset --hard)
git reflog
Git help
git help <command>
or man git-<command>
for more detailed information on specific commands.