


Strings immutabality in Go, Python, and Java

img of Strings immutabality in Go, Python, and Java

In Go, strings are indeed immutable - once created, you cannot modify their contents.

String Immutability Across Programming Languages

This is actually a misconception - strings are not immutable in every programming language.

Languages with immutable strings

  • Golang
  • Java
  • Python
  • Javascript
  • C#
  • Ruby

Languages with mutable strings:

  • C
  • C++
  • Perl
  • PHP before version 7

I am writing this article because I have read many times that strings are immutable in Java, Python, and JavaScript, and I thought the concept was crystal clear until I compared it with Go’s string handling. Here, I’ll share the differences I discovered.

Understanding String Behavior in Languages

I tested the behavior of strings in Java using the following code

   public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String name = "pranshu"; // First assignment
        System.out.println("Address (hashCode) after first assignment: " + System.identityHashCode(name));

        name = "hritik"; // Second assignment
        System.out.println("Address (hashCode) after second assignment: " + System.identityHashCode(name));

// Note: System.identityHashCode() is a method in the System class that returns the hash code of an object as determined by the JVM.


   Address (hashCode) after first assignment: 123456789
Address (hashCode) after second assignment: 987654321

Same i tested with Python using below code.

   # Helper function to print the address of a variable
def address_of(variable):
    return hex(id(variable))

str = "pranshu"
print("Address of variable str:", address_of(str))

str = "hritik"
print("Address of variable str after reassignment:", address_of(str))


   Address of variable str: 0x7fd5448369a0
Address of variable str after reassignment: 0x7fd544836ac0

Whereas I tested behavior with golang

   func main() {
	str := "pranshu"
	fmt.Println("Address of variable str:", &str)

	str = "hritik"
	fmt.Println("Address of variable str after reassignment:", &str)


   Address of variable str: 0xc000014070
Address of variable str after reassignment: 0xc000014070

I was confused when Go returned the same address even after reassignment.

In many interviews, I had said that reassigning or modifying a string would change its reference or address. However, this is not entirely correct for Go strings.

Go’s String Handling

In Go, strings are immutable, but the way they are managed is different from languages like Python and Java:

  • When you create a string variable, you’re creating a string header that contains:
    • A pointer to the actual string data
    • The length of the string
  • Each variable has its own unique memory address (what you see when printing &str - 0xc000014070)
  • However, the actual string data they point to might be shared due to Go’s string interning optimization, especially for string literals
  • When you modify a string: The variable’s memory address (&str) remains constant, but it points to new string data because strings are immutable. (see the above given example)

String Interning

  • In Python and Java, string literals may share the same memory address due to string interning.

In Python:

   str1 = "hello"
str2 = "hello"
# In Python, id() shows the memory address
print(id(str1))  # Both will have same address due to string interning
print(id(str2))  # Same address as str1

In Java:

   String str1 = "hello";
String str2 = "hello";
// Both reference same string pool object
System.out.println(str1 == str2);  // true for literals due to string pool

In Go:

   str1 := "hello"
str2 := "hello"
// Different variables have different addresses
fmt.Printf("%p\n", &str1)  // Different address
fmt.Printf("%p\n", &str2)  // Different address
  • Go gives each string variable its own memory address, even though the underlying data might be shared
  • Go’s approach aligns with its philosophy of being more explicit about memory locations
  • Wheareas, in Python and Java use string interning/pooling where identical string literals share the same memory location. Java’s string pool is part of its memory management strategy

Immutable Strings in Action

  1. You cannot modify individual characters in a string
  2. The string’s content cannot be changed after creation
  3. To modify a string, you actually create a new string

Go Immutability

   str1 := "hello"
// str1[0] = 'H'  // This will cause compilation error - can't modify string contents directly

// To modify, you must create a new string
newStr := "H" + str1[1:]

Python Immutability:

   str1 = "hello"
# str1[0] = 'H'  # This raises TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment

# Need new string for changes
new_str = 'H' + str1[1:]

Java Immutability:

   String str1 = "hello";
// str1.charAt(0) = 'H';  // Not possible - String is immutable

// Need new String for changes
String newStr = "H" + str1.substring(1);

Go’s String Handling Design Advantages

1. Memory Safety and Performance

Go’s design prevents accidental sharing of string memory

   str1 := "hello"
str2 := str1       // Creates a lightweight copy (just the header(pointer, length))
// Modifications to str2 can't affect str1's data

// Note:
when you assign str1 to str2 in Go, the addresses of str1 and str2 may seem to "change," but the underlying behavior of the string remains the same.

When you modify a string by reassigning it (str1 = "newValue"), Go creates a new string in memory.

2. Efficiency in Multi-threaded Scenarios

   func handleString(s string) {
    // Since strings are immutable and Go copies the header
    // This is completely safe across goroutines
    go func() {

3. Better Memory Control

   str := "hello"
bytes := []byte(str)  // Explicit conversion when mutability needed
bytes[0] = 'H'        // Clear indication of memory allocation

Key Advantages Go over Java and Python

1. More Predictable Performance:

  • Java: String pool management can lead to unexpected memory behavior
  • Python: String interning rules can be complex
  • Go: Straightforward copying of string headers, clear memory ownership

2. Concurrency Safety:

  • Go’s string design works naturally with its concurrency model
  • No need for synchronization when sharing strings between goroutines
  • Clear separation between immutable strings and mutable byte slices

3. Memory Efficiency:

  • String headers are small and cheap to copy
  • Explicit conversions to []byte when mutation is needed
  • No complex interning mechanism to manage

4. Clearer Mental Model:

  • You always know exactly what happens with memory
  • No hidden string pooling or interning behavior
  • Explicit distinction between string views and mutations